Nelson Federation

There are four Institutes in the Nelson Federation.

  • Hope Ranzau WI
they meet at 1.30 pm on the first Wednesday of the month at the Age Concern building in Oxford Street, Richmond. Contact Eve Brunnenkreef 021 0838 8122 
  • Motueka WI
- they meet on the third Thursday of the month for lunch in members' homes. Contact Kay Hart (03) 528 6329
  • Nelson Centre WI
- they meet at 6.00 pm om the second Tuesday of the month at the Stoke Retirement Village hall, Songer Street, Stoke. Contact Ngaire Sharpe 027 367 8693
  • Uruwhenua WI
- they meet on the second Monday of the month during the daytime in the Golden Bay / Takaka area. Contact Nancy Ward (03) 525 9491

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