
Our massive fundraising effort

Kidney Kids New Zealand Inc


Members of the NZ Federation of Women's Institutes raised over $110,000 for Kidney Kids NZ which will go towards attendance at summer camps for those children with kidney diseases. The presentation took place at the recent Challenge Trophy indoor bowls tournament.

LEFT: A certificate of appreciation is received by National President Kay Hart from Courtanay Gray, Family Support officer from Kidney Kids NZ Inc. after presenting a cheque for $20,000 to Kidney Kids NZ Inc.
BELOW: All those who were privileged to attend the presentation.

Working for children with kidney problems in your area

There are currently over 1500 'kidney kids', and 13 of them throughout New Zealand are on haemodialysis, which means they need a transplant. In 2010 there were only four transplants carried out due to a lack of donor kidneys.

All children on haemodialysis must travel to Auckland from wherever they live in New Zealand and all transplants for children are conducted in Auckland where the only children's nephrologists practice.

Check with Kidney Kids NZ Inc to see what else they might need and 'Spread Happiness

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